Monday, January 21, 2013

First Library Card

Today Olivia and I went to the library to get her first library card. She was so thrilled and excited all day. It was a mommy and Olivia event which made her even more excited. I filled out the paperwork and let her sign it and her library card. She checked out two DVD's and three books. She received a free magazine and vhs movie because they were getting rid of all their old movies. The free movie that she picked out was Pinocchio. She received a progress report from school and she is doing great in school. So to reward her and promote a positive learning experience I suggested that she got her own library card. Her teacher included a first grade sight word sheet because she can read all her words for kindergarten. I told her that I will give her a quarter for every word that she can spell and she is up for the challenge. I am so proud of you Olivia and I enjoy watching you grow and I am amazed everyday how smart you are.

Inauguration 2013 Obama's 2nd term

I wanted to post a picture of how little you were and what you were doing

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pictures from New Years Eve

These are just some pictures from New Years, Olivia with her money from the tooth fairy, and of her on the first day back to school from Christmas break

Lost her first baby tooth

For a while now Donny and I have been taking Olivia to many different dentist trying to avoid one of her baby teeth from being pulled out. When Olivia was a toddler she was very hyper and she did not listen very at all. She ran all over the house getting into everything she could get her little hands on. One day she went in the bathroom and was playing around. I tried to grab her because she was trying to run and she fell and hit her two front teeth and chipped them. I was devastated and went into panic mode at the same time. I found a dentist and got her in right away to make sure there wasn't any damage to her gums or nerves. The dentist didn't take any x-rays because of the radiation. He told us that she wasn't in any pain but to watch for nerve damage in the future. Her second time seeing a dentist was for preschool. A hygienists came to the preschool and just did an application of fluoride on her teeth. It was pretty cute because she dressed up like the tooth fairy. When she was three she developed a bump on her gums above her front tooth. We took her to the dentist and they told us that she had an infection and her tooth needed to be removed. I didn't like the fact that I wasn't allowed in the room where the extraction were to take place. So I took her to another dentist and was told the same news and that was when she was 4 1/2. I scheduled a baby root canal because I didn't want her to go to kindergarten with a missing tooth. I cancelled the baby root canal because I was told by multiple people that it was very painful. Olivia turned 5 and 6 months passed by without the tooth being pulled or getting a root canal. A week after Christmas she started complaining about her gums being sore, the earilest they could get her into the office was on New Years Eve. I was terrified that the infection spread to the other side of her gums because she had a sore on them. When she finally got to the densist I told them everything that was going on and the history of the situation. The densist told me that the sore in her mouth was just a kanker sore but her tooth needed to pulled right away before the infection spread or it could of ruined her adult teeth. So...we pulled her tooth on New Years Eve. She did a great job and I was so proud of her. I love her missing tooth and I am ashamed that I didn't pull it sooner. After a couple of hours she was the same old Olivia and she had a great New Years.
 When she went back to school no one teased her and she was happy to learn that another classmate lost a tooth over the Christmas break.